How to Make Vinyl Plank Floors Shine (Simple Steps)

Adding vinyl flooring to your home is a lovely enhancement. In contrast to other flooring options, it is simple to clean and keep up, but it can lose its shine over time.

While it’s not necessary to polish your vinyl flooring every few months, doing so can help keep it looking its best.

Regular cleaning is one thing but keeping your vinyl floor shiny is an art that calls for expertise, experience, and the right products.

This blog post takes you through five simple steps to polish your vinyl flooring like a pro.

How Can You Make Vinyl Floor shine?

Steps to shine and polish vinyl floors

Keeping your vinyl flooring clean and shiny is about getting the right products and using the correct techniques.

Be sure to choose a polish that is specifically designed for use on vinyl floors. These include natural remedies like baking powder and vinegar or household items like alcohol.

Tools and Ingredients Needed

  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • WD-40 lubricant
  • Mineral oil/baby oil
  • Clean cotton
  • Clean water
  • Dishwashing soap
  • Soft-bristled brush

Step-By-Step Guide To Make Plank Vinyl Floors Shine 

How to make vinyl floors shine

Having collected all required tools and materials, we can start the process of shining our vinyl floors.

Step 1: Choose The Right Polishing Solution

There are many different polishing solutions on the market, but we recommend using apple cider vinegar and baking soda as they will not damage your vinyl flooring.

Vinyl may be a resilient material, but harsh chemicals or solutions can damage the surface over time, so it’s important to use a gentle and natural polishing solution.

There are other notable commercial products on the market that you can use to polish your vinyl floors, but we recommend sticking with a natural option whenever possible.

Step Two: Remove The Old Finish

Before polishing your vinyl flooring, it’s important to remove any old finish or wax that may be on the surface. This can be done using a soft-bristled brush and some dishwashing soap.

Simply mix the dishwashing soap with water in a bucket and dip your brush into the solution.

Gently scrub at the vinyl flooring, working in small sections until all the old finish wears off. Rinse the floor with clean water and allow it to dry.

Step Three: Clean The Vinyl Floor

Before polishing your vinyl flooring, it’s important to ensure it is free of any dirt or debris. This can be done by sweeping or vacuuming the surface or using a wet mop to clean it.

If any stubborn dirt or grease doesn’t come off with normal cleaning, we recommend using a WD-40 lubricant.

Spray the lubricant onto the floor and allow it to sit for a few minutes before scrubbing with a brush or cloth. Rinse with clean water and allow to dry.

Step Four: Prepare The Polishing Solution

Mix one part apple cider vinegar with two parts baking soda in a bowl or container.

Stir well until the ingredients are combined. You can then pour the polish into a spray bottle for easy application.

Step Five: Shine Vinyl Floor Using Baking Powder

Once the vinyl flooring is clean and free of the old finish, it’s time to start polishing it with baking powder.

Sprinkle a thin layer of baking powder over the floor’s surface and allow it to sit for a few minutes.

Using a clean cloth or brush, gently scrub at the baking powder until it becomes liquid. Wipe away any excess with a clean cloth and allow to dry.

Step Six: Polish Vinyl Floor Using Vinegar

How to make vinyl floors glossy

If you want your vinyl flooring to have an extra shine, we recommend polishing it with vinegar after baking powder. Pour some vinegar into a spray bottle and spritz it over the floor.

Using a clean cloth or brush, scrub the vinyl flooring until it turns into a liquid. Wipe away any excess with a clean cloth and allow to dry.

Step Seven: Use Household Alcohol To Shine Vinyl Floors

This is an alternative method to polishing your vinyl flooring with vinegar. Pour some household alcohol into a spray bottle and spritz it over the floor.

Let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing the vinyl flooring with a brush or cloth. Wipe away any excess and allow to dry.

Since alcohol is a harsh chemical, it’s important to use caution when polishing vinyl flooring with it. Only use alcohol if the vinegar method doesn’t give you the desired shine.


Should I wax my vinyl flooring?

No, waxing vinyl flooring is not necessary and can damage the surface. It’s best to avoid any products that contain wax.

Can I use a steam mop to clean my vinyl floors?

While using a steam mop on vinyl floors is possible, we don’t recommend it.

The high heat from the steam can cause the vinyl to warp or peel. Stick with a broom, vacuum cleaner, or wet mop instead.

Can I use Murphy’s Oil Soap to clean my vinyl floors?

No, Murphy’s oil soap is not recommended for cleaning vinyl flooring. It can leave behind a film that will make the surface slippery and difficult to clean in the future.

Can I use ammonia to clean my vinyl floors?

No, ammonia is not recommended for cleaning vinyl flooring. It can cause the surface to become discolored and damage the finish.

Why are my vinyl floors slippery?

Vinyl floors are slippery because they need to be polished. If the flooring isn’t shiny, it’s more likely to become slick when wet.

Another possibility is that a film has been left behind from a previous cleaning product, so a gentle cleanser and polish should restore the shine.

Final Thoughts

Vinyl is a low-maintenance and affordable flooring option, but this doesn’t mean it can’t look beautiful and shiny.

With a few simple steps, you can have your vinyl floors looking like new again. Keeping these floors shiny is not as complicated as it may seem.

You can easily do it using natural ingredients like apple cider vinegar and baking soda.

If you’re looking for an even more polished look, household alcohol can also be used as a polishing agent.

So don’t shy away from those vinyl floors—give them some love, and they’ll shine back in return.

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